Monday, December 15, 2014

More pictures of what we didn't do

Vic gave me far more pictures this year than I could fit in The Scallion, and I wanted to use them all! But if you read The Scallion, you know we had far too much news to fit into the paper. So what's a girl to do? Oh, that's right! I have a blog! So here they are, for anyone who wants to see them.

Here are a few more pictures of our visit to Wings over the Rockies:
Two of our nieces had babies this year—on the same day. This is us with Gianna Welter (proud parents: Lisa LaBriola and Ryan Welter):


This is me with Madison Christopherson (proud parents: Margeaux and Xan Christopherson):
This is Independence Hall. We love going there.

Here are a few more pictures from my knee surgery, just to prove that I don't only post pictures of Vic and his medical conditions:

We had some really nice hummingbirds in the garden this year, and Vic took some awesome hummingbird shots. I was really bummed I couldn't get at least one of these in The Scallion. We just had too much news.

I wanted to put in all the pictures from Chihuly, but again, too much news. So here are some more:

Vic went to Rocky Mountain National Park this year and took some really nice elk and scenic pictures:

And finally, you might know that our house faces west and sits at the top of a hill, so we can see the entire Front Range from our bedroom window. Here are a couple of those:

Thanks for indulging me. I love Vic's pictures. :-)

The 2014 Scallion! So exciting it needs an exclamation point!

It's here—the 2014 Scallion!

You can find it here:

2014 Scallion

Merry Christmas, everybody!

P.S. We aren't very good at keeping people updated on our various health situations, so if you read the Health Roundup and go "WTF???" we apologize. You can read more about it here:

About Vic's defibrillator incident