Sunday, January 6, 2013

The Scallion blog

I know what you're thinking: "Why a Scallion blog? These people are pretentious enough during the holidaysmust we endure them year-round?"
To that I reply, "OF COURSE YOU MUST!" ß (Please note the use of all caps and an exclamation point. Clearly this did not go through editing.)

Seriously, though, every year, several things happen:
  • People ask for more, and it goes to our heads.
  • We leave a lot out of The Scallion that we know would make people laugh. (See first bullet.)
  • Someone new comes to The Scallion, and we feel obliged to give him or her the historybecause who wouldn't want to know where The Scallion came from? (See first bullet.)
So today I started (yes, another) blog. This one will be devoted to all things Scallion. In the coming weeks, watch for posts about the evolution of The Scallion and about things we've already discarded for Scallion 2013.

For now, I'll leave you with what Wags thinks about the blog. Yes, it's very similar to what she thinks about kayaking. OK, it's identical to what she thinks about kayaking. I only have so many pictures, you know.